Digital Desk

10 Wild Animals That Eat Their Own Babies

Lions: Male lions often kill cubs that aren't their own to ensure the survival of their own offspring and to bring the females into estrus sooner.

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Rats: In stressful conditions or when food is scarce, female rats may resort to cannibalizing their young.

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Hamsters: Similar to rats, hamsters may consume their offspring under extreme circumstances.

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Alligators: Alligator mothers have been observed consuming some of their hatchlings, possibly to regulate the population or as a response to environmental conditions.

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Snakes: Some snake species, particularly those that lay eggs, may consume their young if disturbed or stressed.

Source: X

Praying Mantis: The female praying mantis is infamous for consuming the male after mating, providing her with essential nutrients for egg production.

Source: X

Spiders: Similar to the praying mantis, some female spiders consume the male after mating.

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Sand Tiger Sharks: These sharks have been known to practice intrauterine cannibalism, where the largest embryo consumes its siblings while still in the womb.

Source: X

Frogs and Toads: In some species, tadpoles may engage in cannibalism, particularly when food is scarce.

Source: AI